On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 02:16:23AM +0800, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
[2012-09-28 12:01:01 +0200] Nicolas Sebrecht:
The 28/09/12, Gaetan Bisson wrote:
We have recently seen on this very mailing list that for every person posting considerate opinions, there are dozens who just pollute threads with fear, uncertainty, doubt, and just sheer incompetence.
I'm very confident that an open dev mailing list with topic-oriented policy would just work. I'm so confident because this is how the Gentoo dev mailing list works and it works well.
So, essentially, you have no arguments except that "it should just work like it does for Gentoo"; yet you've posted in this thread five times only to repeat the above. But, of course, if our topic of discussion were to be technical, your stubbornness (and the resulting noise) would magically go away, right?
-- Gaetan
All, I agree with Gaetan. Saying this will 'just work' is like saying that magic exists. It's not going to 'just work,' as you say. I have followed arch-dev-public for a few months now, and I appreciate the on topic discussion that happens there, though sometimes I want to contact the devs to bring something up or ask a question on it. I'd like to just throw out a few ideas: 1) Create a screening process for people, applications they need to turn in, etc. to be able to post on the dev list. Taking into account that it could take up a lot of valuable dev time sorting through these to get to the meat and potatoes, there could even be a sub pannel of 'trusted mailing list users' (possibly made up of the people accepted onto the mailing list that are not official devs) that pre-screen to filter out obvious spam/trolls. 2) Allow poeple to email arch-dev-public, but only allow their mail to go through if it is approved. I would rather see something like number 1 put into effect, as it would reduce the time devs need to spend going through mail, but it is still an option in my mind. 3) Keep arch-dev-public the way it is, and let people use other means of communication (a la IRC) and create a specific dev channel so that users can contact even just one dev with input, and if that dev sees fit, he can include it in the next mail to arch-dev-public (basically just another way of screening things) I would think that both 1 and 3 could be implemented and both parties would be appeased. Thank you, KaiSforza