On 02/09/2011 07:51 PM, Allan McRae wrote:
Does this also work when building from makechrootpkg?
As far as I know, the only options makechrootpkg passes to makepkg are "-s --noconfirm".
You can add mre options after "--".
e.g. I often run:
makechrootpkg -c -r /path/to/chroot -- -L -i
The reason I asked was because the 2 svn PKGBUILDs I've created do not get $pkgver updated to the latest svn when building with makechrootpkg. Specifically, I do the following in the PKGBUILD: getsvnrev() { msg "Determining SVN revision for $pkgname..." [[ -d .svn ]] && echo $(sed -n '4p' .svn/entries) || echo 9999 } pkgbase=trinity pkgname=trinity-tqtinterface pkgver=9999 # just a temp number here _svn_trunk="svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/trinity/dependencies/tqtinterface" _svn_module=tqtinterface build() { cd ${srcdir} msg "Connecting to SVN server...." if [ -d ${_svn_module}/.svn ]; then (cd ${_svn_module} && svn up) [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || _co_failed=1 else (svn co $_svn_trunk ${_svn_module}) [[ $? -eq 0 ]] || _co_failed=1 fi cd ${_svn_module} pkgver=$(getsvnrev) and the pkgver variable never gets updated when used with makechrootpkg. It is updated just fine when run with a simple makepkg call. So I can't figure out whey the makechrootpkg call makes the difference? Full PKGBUILD: http://www.3111skyline.com/dl/dt/trinity/arch/svn/dependencies/tqtinterface/... One other issue with putting the svn co in the build() function is you loose the ability to use -o makpkg option to only download and extract. Is there a way around this building with makechrootpkg? So for the build in arch in VirtualBox has been much more straight forward that an archroot build. But the convenience of an archroot can't be beat. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.