/etc/rc.local: "chown user: /dev/sda10" /etc/fstab: "defaults,owner,noauto" Or more accurately: /etc/rc.local: "chown jtwdyp: /dev/disk/by-label/j10_lap-10" I've been allowing only my normal user account to mount 3 such user "owned" partitions in various distros this way {without needing to use sudo} for years. I know that ever since USB devices made static /dev/* lists unusual, the ownership of any partition gets set to root during root. But I've always been able to count on my root script to chown them back, returning ownership to the data owner, if {depending on the distro} I either sourced it in some rc.local file, OR if some debian based distro didn't like rc.local script's I'd just symlink it with something like: ln -s /root/bin/fix_dev /etc/rcS.d/S38fix_dev I only needed to take care that my root script 'chown'ed the partitions AFTER the device names in /dev had been dynamically created. And it worked. I was pleased to note that Arch evidently does think a rc.local is an appropriate place for local initialization stuff to happen. However it's come to my attention that about 5 out of the last 25 times I've booted Arch only 2 of the 3 partitions 'chown'ed in my /root/bin/fix_dev script can be mounted by my user account. (unless I use root account to manualy rerun the /root/bin script...) On the occasions when a user script's attempt to mount the 3rd such partition fails {with an error message telling me that only root can do that} the other two such partitions mount just fine. Is there something special I need to do to get Arch to *_consistently_* respect all three chown commands??? I really dislike the idea of changing the fstab entry from "owner" to "user" even if since the mountpoint is in a subdir of /home/jtwdyp, I could just rely on: cmod 700 {the mount points parent dir} along with the file permisions within the partition itself, to keep the data private. Somehow it just wouldn't feel right to extend the mount permisions to just any user even though this multi-boot linux box is my personal computer that nobody else uses... Recommendations anyone? -- | ~^~ ~^~ | <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook | ^ J(tWdy)P | \___/ <<jtwdyp@ttlc.net>>