12 Apr
12 Apr
7:03 a.m.
I think Mauto means, use /etc/module-load.d and make new conf? 2016/04/12 16:00 "message" <letter@openmailbox.org>:
Mauro Santos Sun, 10 Apr 2016 11:29:06 -0700
You may want to refer to this page for guidance
Thanks. Created a 'conf' file (root user):
cat > /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf modprobe b43
Then restarted computer. The module failed to load. On attempting the usual command, a new error occurred:
modprobe b43 libkmod: kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'modprobe'
So, deleted the 'b43.conf' file and loaded the module manually again.