On 11/16/23 23:23, Giovanni Santini wrote:
Hi Marius,
On 2023-11-15 14:16, Marius Kittler wrote:
Since both are completely different implementations the syncing behavior might 
differ. I haven't paid much attention to the syncing behavior of the new kernel 
module but it might simply be more lazy than the FUSE implementation. Does it 
help to invoke `sync` manually? If yes, this may also be a workaround in case 
you really want it to write the data without delay.

I did try, yes. No fortune with manual sync and udisks or mount.

Here is a shell session, I think a pastebin is not needed given that it is short:


(23:16) giovanni @ ~ $ touch /run/media/giovanni/Data/ntfs_error.txt
(23:17) giovanni @ ~ $ ls -al /run/media/giovanni/Data/ntfs_error.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 giovanni users 0 Nov 16 23:17 /run/media/giovanni/Data/ntfs_error.txt
(23:17) giovanni @ ~ $ echo "Using ntfs3" > /run/media/giovanni/Data/ntfs_error.txt
(23:17) giovanni @ ~ $ cat /run/media/giovanni/Data/ntfs_error.txt

Looks like a bug. If something is written to file you should be able to read it afterwards no matter if content is still in i/o buffer or already written to disk.

sync won't help here.
