On 08/06/2017 12:32 PM, beest wrote:
Actually (aside from what you've already been told about the nature of the repository and the opportunity to change the wiki), you could have discovered this from the very same place you ostensibly learned about the switch to asp -- from arch-announce, where 'asp export pkgname' is currently plastered at the top of the archlinux.org feed. So not only is there very much a mention of it, it's in exactly the one place we're expected to monitor for distro changes.
You misunderstood the purpose of the post. The purpose of the post was to explain "when you are sitting on the svntogit page for any package" there is no reference to asp and no direction for cloning anything other than the full community or packages repository. If your response is to chastise or belittle someone for making a suggested improvement by reference to "the very same place you ostensibly learned about the switch to asp -- ... where 'asp exprot pkgname' is currently plastered at the top of the archlinux.org feed." Then that is a problem that directly discourages anyone from trying to help. There was nothing in my post discussing 'asp export pkgname' not being available on the arch feed. The intent was to suggest it would be a useful addition on the svntogit package pages. The feed will soon scroll away. If the Arch position is "we already listed 'asp export' on the main page", that's fine. A simple, "we think the announcement was sufficient" is all that was needed. It just appeared helpful to have that information or a convenient link for download on the 'tree' or 'summary' views, rather than the summary page suggesting a clone of the entire repository. -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.