El sáb, 04-03-2023 a las 12:56 -0500, Genes Lists escribió:
I know there's lots of info available about dual boot [..]
For me there is an infinitely simpler solution to have a system in mirror mode (obviously assuming that you can not mount a hardware RAID1, because if not, I completely discourage any other method) with btrfs. The method is simple as you simply need two partitions on the two disks. The first one on each disk is the ESP and the second one is the one you are going to use for the btrfs raid. Then you simply mount the raid1 between both partitions btrfs[1] and the ESP partition you also use it as boot. The only thing left to do at the end is to keep the ESP partitions synchronized, but you can do that with a pacman hook to sync when you update the kernel or bootloader (to avoid a systemd timer). [1]: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Using_Btrfs_with_Multiple_Devices -- Óscar García Amor | ogarcia at moire.org | http://ogarcia.me