On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Dimitrios Apostolou <jimis@gmx.net> wrote:
On Mon, 11 Jan 2010, Aaron Griffin wrote:
If you modify it, you should add it to the NoUpgrade line in /etc/pacman.conf. The backup array is for what we INTEND to be modified. Users are more than welcome to do what we don't intend, but you need to control whether of not pacman mucks with those files yourself
Since I've been bitten by this, how can I know if the file I modified is goint to be overwritten or not, *before* it actually happens? And even if it is, a .pacsave wouldn't hurt anyone, if I remember correctly (it's been some time) I had completely lost my changes, and I had to rewrite them.
pacman -Qh -o, --owns <file> query the package that owns <file> -i, --info view package information (-ii for backup files)