I got a ubuntu livecd with gparted lets see what happens. About using thesystem as root. I only run pacman related commands as root have a user I use for mostly day tasks. This user is *NOT* on sudo, basically cause I like to enforce my self to login as root and think about what I'm doing. Also sudo is cumbersome to use in some instances as buil-in commands are not avaliable. So the only thing I've run as root was the pacman -Syu and followed the arch announces regarding the updates. Nothing bad there I'mho. And the problem I'm facing now has nothing to do with my system usage. Imho either I have a bad sector or something went broken for some instances of the system like mine or the other guy who also reported on the forums. Regards, Victor 2012/6/12 Attila Vangel <vangel.attila@gmail.com>
Hi, I am not familiar with the problem, but I think the easiest way (if you are not against graphical tools) is to grab a live cd (or "live usb dongle") containing gparted (it's not a bad thing to have, anyway), but I am not an expert at this.
What really surprises me is that you use your system as root !?! I would not dare to do that. I tend to add my user to various groops according to the arch wiki documentation where neeeded, and for the other commands I think I can safely run as root I alias them to be 'sudo <command>', and I maintain this list of safe commands in /etc/sudoers (edited by visudo (you can change the editor of it, just google it)), so that these commands can be executed without entering the password all the time... Maybe not the best thing still, but I guess it's OK with me.
Regards, Attila
2012/6/12 Victor Silva <vfbsilva@gmail.com>: <snip>
Folks after the last upgrade I can no longer shutdown nor reboot my machine (I'm using it as root). The command simply hangs and nothing happens. <snip>
I was asked to perform a fsck which failed.It reported /dev/sda5 was mounted. Is there any proper way I should use to call fsck? I did create a /fsck file on / is there other more appropriate command to do it? Problably you asked for my fstab expecting an error like this right? Would it be better to run fsck from a livecd?