This happened to me yesterday, while copying from internal SATA to a USB3 stick with thunar. The operation ate all CPU. On Oct 24, 2016 7:47 AM, "J. C." <> wrote:
Hi list, I just noticed this today. I rebooted the system once, since the proper installation last week. Now cp from a USB drive to the internal sata drive eats up all CPU. The cp command is run as root - currently no alternative possible.
The USB drive is mounted during system startup.
A copy operation on the internal disk in question doesn't suffer from overuse of CPU resources. Copying from the USB disk to the USB disk isn't perfect, but uses only between 20-40% of CPU resources. The CPU frequency governor is set to ondemand.
Can anybody suggest a remedy, please?
Best wishes,
-------- When you need someone, you just turn around and I will be there <3