Good morning, With Cinnamon 3.4.2 released 2 days ago, the version available in the official repository is now 3 releases behind. I exhort those in charge to please give this matter some attention. Thanks. On Sun, Jun 18, 2017 at 4:44 AM, Marcelo Ranolfi <> wrote:
Good morning,
Our Cinnamon packages, from maintainer Alexandre Filgueiras (, have been out-of-date for a while now.
Someone asked on Reddit a month ago about this ( archlinux/comments/6axs8n/to_alexandre_filgueria_why_is_cinnamon_34_not/) and was informed that the packages are up-to-date in Antergos. I appreciate that Mr. Filgueira is the founder and project leader for Antergos.
Since the Cinnamon packages are currently lagging 5 months behind official releases, I'd like to ask Mr Filgueira to either step up and update the packages, or possibily consider handing over the maintanership in the best interest of the community. The Cinnamon DE is developing fast, and a rather large number of quirks are fixed each release.
There's a git version in AUR, but it's basically broken (the PKGBUILD themselves, and the sources - it's dev version after all). I'd create another AUR package myself for the most up-to-date version, but we have a policy of not doing that for official packages. Anyway, I would volunteer to maintain Cinnamon, if needed.
Thanks for your consideration.