On Tue, Jan 05, 2010 at 06:03:32PM -0500, Jim Pryor wrote:
Hi this is the author of yacron again.
I've just heard from Matt Dillon, he says he's happy for me to take over development and maintainership of dcron.
So what I'll do is create a release version of yacron, and rename it to dcron 4.0. Of course that doesn't mean Arch has to keep using dcron; you may still decide fcron is better for core. But if you do want to stay with dcron, its development will now continue with the features I had forked as yacron.
OK, release tarball of dcron 4.0 is now posted to http://www.jimpryor.net/linux/dcron. Paul will say when it's ready to go to [testing]. I also posted a dcron-git to AUR: <http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33377>. If anybody has trouble with the [testing] version, and has time to help me test fixes, they can use this. I'll keep my eyes open to the lists/forum/bugtracker to see if people report problems. I've tried to make the docs helpful. I'd be glad for any further suggestions. -- Jim Pryor profjim@jimpryor.net