2011/12/23 Jonathan Vasquez <jvasquez1011@gmail.com>:
I agree with Paul and Peter. People cant be treating others like crap just because they are asking for help. If you don't have anything better to say, then just be quiet and filter, you don't have to contribute. I've only been on these mailing lists for a few days and I know most people aren't like this, but every time I see someone respond negatively, its not just a small insult, but more of a "rub it in your face" attitude.
Also to Phillip, you said something containing SNR, what does that mean?
SNR stands for Signal to Noise Ratio, a low SNR would indicate relatively little useful information (signal) compared to the amount of unrelated or undesirable comments (noise). i.e. my reply is lowering the SNR, a bad thing ;)