[2013-12-16 21:33:33 -0600] David C. Rankin:
So if you think this should be in a new thread and not here -- talk to Gaetan.
I'm quite confident no-one is going to care: it's now the third message you've send to this list about network-ups-tools. The first two haven't attracted much attention, so it's likely few people here care about that piece of software - nor should they, since it's unsupported. Obviously, we're happy to help with the occasional issue, but you have the annoying habit of sending every single one of your support requests to this list. So when you *really* have to post, please concentrate the noise in just one thread.
Is this a glibc issue or a nut issue?
How about asking a network-ups-tools support list? Or its developers? This mailing list is for Arch-related discussions. This isn't one. -- Gaetan