On 10/16/2012 05:28 PM, Thomas Bächler wrote:
Am 16.10.2012 17:40, schrieb Gaetan Bisson:
[2012-10-16 11:16:04 -0400] David Rosenstrauch:
I haven't been diligently following the mailing list, so perhaps I missed this. But given the recent "systemd is now the default on new installations" announcement, I'm wondering: what's the reasons for Arch making systemd the default going forward?
This has been discussed countless times on arch-general and the BBS, not always constructively (hence why the moderation), but there are were some very informative posts, particularly from Tom Gundersen, such as:
This post is nice, thanks for looking it up.
I'd like to add that Arch's initscripts implementation has been getting more complex over time and still lacked many features and had many bugs.
Systemd solves many problems in a elegant way and is being improved constantly. There's more manpower behind it than behind our initscripts, and our contributions to it are (most of the time) gladly accepted (Lennart is not nearly as evil as the internet makes him out to be).
Finally, parts of the freedesktop.org infrastructure are starting to depend on logind, which in turn depends on systemd. In particular, polkit has dropped all support for consolekit, and gnome 3.6 will require logind as well. Moving to systemd is the easiest way to keep a good experience to our desktop and laptop users.
Very helpful info. Thanks Thomas! DR