Am 06.01.2012 11:17, schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
Von: im Auftrag von Thomas Bächler Gesendet: Fr 1/6/2012 10:25
Apparently, the nvidia-all PKGBUILD does it wrong. I don't know why it exists - you can install nvidia from [extra] and create a package for nvidia-rt. At least then you know the PKGBUILD does something that actually works.
Sorry for HTML, at the moment I'm not booted to Arch.
I'm using the nvidia package again. Btw. I forgot to add a link to the rt's extramodules, but since there already was an issue for the regular kernel, I suspect it won't fix anything.
How do I create a package for nvidia-rt?
Should I build a dummy-package and install the module by a k option?
I suspect the AUR's nvidia-rt will conflict with the package nvidia?!
No, the AUR's nvidia-rt package should be what you want (if you diff the nvidia and nvidia-rt PKGBUILDs, the differences should be small).