Hi, After a `pacman -Su', I run this ~/bin/oldpkg script #! /bin/sh sudo lsof -n +c0 | sed -n '1{p;d}; /DEL/{p;d}; / (deleted)$/{p;d}' | g -v ' /(SYSV00000000|dev/shm/org\.chromium\.......|memfd:pulseaudio|tmp/#[0-9]{5,7})\>' | sed '1{h; d}; 2{x; G}' to show open files that are deleted. This helps spot things like Postfix needing a restart, or xfce4-terminal running with old libraries, that kind of thing. A lot of the time I can selectively restart things, log out and back in, etc., to avoid a reboot. Quite often, these three data files appear, /usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor/icon-theme.cache /usr/share/mime/mime.cache triggered by /usr/share/libalpm/hooks. Based on the updated packages, I'm guessing a lot of the time the before and after content is the same, but the file has been re-created and moved in place of the old one anyway. A cmp(1) could avoid the unnecessary churn, though I see it's more complex when an external command is exec'd rather than the re-build done directly. Even so, things like update-mime-database(1) used in update-mime-database.hook has a `-n' option that looks like it might often avoid the new inode. -n Only update if MIME-DIR/packages/ or a file in that directory is newer than MIME-DIR/version. This is useful for package pre- and post-installation scripts. Can churn be reduced? Or am I on the wrong track it detecting what needs to take note of new files? -- Cheers, Ralph. https://plus.google.com/+RalphCorderoy