I asked this question in the forum as well, but got no answers. Hoping to have better luck here. I use my asf drive as home directory at work. So far this has worked fine, but something broke some time ago. Gnome-terminal acts like I don't have any valid tickets and denies access to my files. klist shows that I obtained the correct tickets (kerberos and afs) and when I switch to console, everything works absolutely fine. Running 'tokens' in the console lists my afs ticket, but the same command run from gnome-terminal acts as if there was no ticket. Very strange. I first thought it was a kernel issue, so I downgraded the kernel to a known working version and reinstalled openafs and openafs-modules-dkms from aur. No change, and why should it since it was always running outside of gnome. Oh, and I use krb5-auth-dialog for automatic ticket renewal. Very strange issue, I wonder why it doesn't work... Any ideas?