On Sat, Jul 02, 2011 at 12:04:32AM -0500, Thomas Dziedzic wrote:
In response to the following bug report https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/24983 I have applied the attached fix to mongodb and as a result there have been some backwards incompatible changes.
dbpath has been changed to /var/lib/mongodb
logpath has been changed to /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
There have been other minor fixes, please check out the bug report for full details.
There is another backwards incompatible change: in /etc/rc.d/mongodb 'su' is run without '-s /bin/bash' now, and upgrading did not change 'mongodb' user's shell from '/bin/false' to '/bin/bash'. So after upgrading, starting mongodb always fails. -- Best regards, lilydjwg Linux Vim Python 我的博客 http://lilydjwg.is-programmer.com/