Reason I haven't got the real archlinux on this computer is because I'm in a low grade wi-fi network and iwctl does a couple things that make it impossible to install archlinux. The first is minor but the second is a show stopper. The device list command constantly scrolls the screen with the same information coming up on it. Same thing happens with the station wlan0 connect command scrolling available networks constantly. The second thing iwctl does which is a show stopper is to get the correct network name entered which has a couple spaces in it and get the correct password and then fail to connect throwing an error. I'm using Jenux since somehow Jenux gets around both of these problems. I think iwctl either needs to be cleaned up and improved or I think iwctl needs to be replaced with something that works for wi-fi networks better than iwctl can do it. I don't know how to set up debugging for iwctl and capture useful error information otherwise you'd have that useful error information in this message. We're on so internet quality is also low and was no better on verizon-fios when I used that. These problems are not unique to me either. I was helping a friend for a couple weeks until he finally managed to connect to wi-fi in a remote location with iwctl on archlinux. He is sighted and also had a problem with the scrolling. We were finally able to get his connection up and running and it is just as well it happened this way since I had just learned to use iwctl before Lawrence needed to learn to use it. -- Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." Ed Howdershelt 1940.