On 2012-11-21 07:42, Robbie Smith wrote:
On 21/11/12 04:18, Sebastian Lipp wrote:
I've got a problem with my Huawei E220 (not entirely sure about this) 3G modem stick. It used to work for several days without any issues but someone closed my laptop's lid so that it slept away and since I can't reach any remote machine.
Everything seems to be normal, even the "defaulting to" message by pppd is in the logs from times it worked... I played around with the routes but was not able to solve my problem.
pppd connects successfully and sets the routes and DNS servers. Interesting is that I don't get answers to any ping. Even the DNS servers don't answer but my machine resolves domain names. Putting for example googles DNS server into /etc/resov.conf doesn't help.
I even tried to kick wvdial by following <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/3G_and_GPRS_modems_with_pppd_alone>. Everything seems to work identically. The problem is also the same.
I dont't know how to solve this problem. Perhaps someone here can help me. Below are those informations I thought would be helpful. I will happily provide any further information that might help.
What CHAT scripts are you using to connect?
I don't know where wvdial stores it's chatscripts, so I can't give an answer to this. When tried to do it like <https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/3G_and_GPRS_modems_with_pppd#.2Fetc.2Fppp.2Fchatscripts> I copy-pasted the files from wiki article. I just adapted the apn.* and pin.* files to my needs, the rest is identical.
And what’s the content of your /etc/resolv{,.head,.tail}?
They don't exist.
I don’t know if it will help, but I uploaded the scripts in the wiki for netcfg so it will connect via pppd as an AUR package[1], and that gives lots of debug output from the modem. You’ll probably need to create a few extra files with the information of your connection (APN, pin, mode, etc).
I will test this till tomorrow. Thanks. -- basti