8 May
8 May
9:37 a.m.
Maintaining slim doen't seem a big effort; I'd stay with lightdm *and* slim in [extra]. 2012/5/8 Christian Hesse <list@eworm.de>
John Hutchison <heimdal@athetius.com> on Tue, 2012/05/08 03:53:
Am 08.05.2012 03:35, schrieb Christian Hesse:
I propose to drop slim from [extra] and replace it with lightdm and lightdm-gtk-greeter.
Why not just provide both?
I would be just fine with that. ;)
Though it is not a good idea to ship packages with security flaws in general. -- main(a,b){char*/* Schoene Gruesse */c="B?IJj;M" "EHCX:;";for(a/* Chris get my mail address: */=0;b=c[a++];) putchar(b-1/(/* gcc -o sig sig.c && ./sig */b/42*2-3)*42);}