13 Feb
13 Feb
2:05 p.m.
Ah, thanks for the information but I already found a solution. Otherwise it's good to know. Am 13.02.2015 um 14:59 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
On Fri, 13 Feb 2015 14:35:11 +0100, Viktor Garske wrote:
pacman-key --refresh-keys
gpg: Refresh vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: Dateiende ==> FEHLER: Ein spezifizierter lokaler Schlüssel konnte nicht vom Schlüssel-Server aktualisiert werden.
(it means:)
gpg: refresh failed from the key server: end of file ==> ERROR: a specified local key could not be refreshed by the key server. LANG=C command LC_ALL=C command
should return English output, IOW
LANG=C pacman-key --refresh-keys LC_ALL=C pacman-key --refresh-keys