On 5/21/19 11:21 AM, Lone_Wolf wrote:
On 21-05-2019 16:26, Genes Lists via arch-general wrote:
On 5/20/19 10:41 PM, Giancarlo Razzolini via arch-dev-public wrote:
Hi All,
In this initial phase I want to ask as many of you to test this as a replacement to mkinitcpio in your setups, as many as possible, and in as many scenarios as possible. We will ...
I'm an arch tester and I'd be happy to test dracut.
It would be helpful if you could create a little write-up on 'how to switch' from mkinitcpio to dracut.
Its straightforward for me to add a boot stanza to refind to use the dracut img.
And I assume modules now in HOOKS would move to /etc/dracut.conf.d/hooks.conf or similar.
All being well, the kernel package will need to be modified to update
to now call dracut.
Thanks for working on this.
from https://dracut.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page :
* Scripts that end up on the initrd should be POSIX compliant. dracut will try to use /bin/dash as /bin/sh for the initrd if it is available, so you should install it on your system -- dash aims for strict POSIX compliance to the extent possible. * Hooks MUST be POSIX compliant -- they are sourced by the init script, and having a bashism break your user's ability to boot really sucks.
Seems like having dracut depending on bash may not be a good idea.
Or is there a way to make sure dracut scripts & hooks will use bash in POSIX-compliant mode ?
POSIX compliant means that scripts must run with either bash or POSIX sh, not "only in bash". So, on the contrary, dracut is broken stuff when trying to use POSIX, because their own current official hooks bundled by the upstream dracut project are not POSIX compliant and therefore only work with bash, but they intend to fix that and at least some are fixed in git master (although I haven't tested), see for example https://github.com/dracutdevs/dracut/pull/516 POSIX-compliant mode is exactly the opposite of what we want. -- Eli Schwartz Bug Wrangler and Trusted User