Hey again, On 2017-07-07 15:24:39 (+0200), David Runge wrote:
I got a very strange behavior with tmux and systemd on my server and maybe someone knows a way around it.
The way I start tmux is as follows: Setting TMUX_TMPDIR to my user's XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and starting tmux in a systemd user service [1]. I do the same for other things, such as weechat [2]. They both use the same tmux.conf [3]. Lingering is activated for my user, so the enabled user services will start with the system and stay running, even when it's disconnected... in theory (and this used to work very well, without a problem for years).
With some changes in systemd however, this seems to fail now, and I can't seem to find the reason why. Tmux just exits with "server lost" once I do a detach. At first I could only observe this behavior when I had a shared ssh session to the server (so I thought), that I then quit, or when I attached and detached the tmux session quickly. Now I'm getting this nearly every time I detach from the tmux session!
I tried several things by now, and it doesn't seem to make any difference: - using legacy cgroups [4], because of maybe being affected by this [5] - switching to single connections instead of shared connections for ssh (lowered the amount of random tmux quits!) - using hardened kernel (just to try another one) - logging a tmux session, without getting any output, that would explain, why this happens - crossing fingers (actually helps, because the bug seems completely random ;/ ) - using a system scope unit (tmux@username) [6], getting the same results - downgrading tmux to >=2.3 (no difference) - downgrading systemd to <=233-7 (seems to happen less frequently) After a week of testing: tmux - in above mentioned setup - works much more reliable with systemd 233-7.
Maybe any of the package maintainers can comment on it?
For some awkward reason, it seems to have worked again for a short time, when Arch first switched to systemd 233 a few days back [6], but ever since it moved to systemd-stable [7], the problem is back (and even worse than before). Me thinking that might only be due to a "less frequent occurence" though. So, in conclusion, the issue is most likely related to some changes applied to the 233 branch in systemd-stable.
[1] https://git.sleepmap.de/software/uenv.git/tree/user/tmux.service [2] https://git.sleepmap.de/software/uenv.git/tree/user/weechat.service [3] https://git.sleepmap.de/config/dotfiles.git/tree/.tmux.conf [4] https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.html#systemd.legacy... [5] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/3388 [6] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tmux#Autostart_with_systemd [7] https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/commit/trunk?h=packages/systemd&id=e0ee38b0c90d0a0da7baad4f472f38dd451326a6 [8] https://github.com/systemd/systemd-stable
Best, David -- https://sleepmap.de