On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 08:26:16PM +0100, Whiskers wrote:
On Thu, 18 Oct 2012 00:03:57 +0200 Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> wrote:
Am 17.10.2012 21:29, schrieb Whiskers:
Rather than install tcp-wrappers on my Arch system, I'd like to use whatever the proper "server" is nowadays instead of /usr/sbin/tcpd - but what is it?
Why would you replace tcpd with anything? Does it serve any purpose at all?
Thanks for responding.
On a system with tcp-wrappers, tcpd is the "server" which launches leafnode. From man leafnode:
The leafnode program itself is the NNTP server. It is run from /etc/inetd.conf when someone wants to read news. The other parts of the package, fetchnews and texpire, are responsible for fetching new news from another server, and for deleting old news.
No network-level access control is supported. This is a deliberate omission: Implementing this is a job which should not be redone for each and every service.
I recommend that either firewalling or tcpd be used for access control.
Xinetd is the 'new improved' inetd, and the xinetd setup recommended in the Leafnode tarball's README has tcpd as the "server" and leafnode as the "server argument", as in the /etc/xinetd.d/nntp file previously quoted. This of course doesn't work on my Arch system, as tcp-wrappers (and thus, tcpd) is missing.
It's quite simple. Get rid of tcpd as the "server". It's just a wrapper that launches an arbitrary process which doesn't link to libwrap.so so that tcp-wrappers can be used for ACLs. It isn't a requirement -- it's a recommendation.
So I'm trying to work out how to get leafnode available on demand, without using tcp-wrappers and tcpd, but with ufw, and with the new systemd (I've uninstalled initscripts from my system).
Use inetd-style activation via systemd. See sshd@.service and sshd.socket as an example. xinetd is redundant. d