On 28-03-2023 11:41, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi LW,
Incase you don't want those questions, check which package you prefer to provide that dependency, change it's install reason to explicit and regenerate the list. That seems like a bit of a bodge though. If I wanted to duplicate the packages from one machine to another then I'd like the method to not alter the source machine, preserve my choices, and that some packages weren't explicitly wanted. In other words, duplicate.
Perhaps the wiki's method didn't keep up with changes to the package meta-data which creates the issue. And that might be because pacman(1) doesn't help in the needed way.
The -e flag does what the manpage says it does : show all explicitly installed packages Whether packages are meta , split , virtual, have 0 deps or 500 deps (to name a few possiblities) has no effect on the installreason . It seems that is not what you want, could you explain what you do want to achieve ? LW