On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 10:55:22AM +0100, Arvid Picciani wrote:
Thanks to enough input i have learned two things of this thread:
1) The problem IS upstream related. Some packages do enable dbus when it is available, for the convenience of those users who do not understand what dbus is and hence need it.
Archs philosophy dictates, that if the upstream is retarded, so shall be the package. I used this as argument, and i shall comply to it equally.
2) I am in fact the minority, not those who see linux as a free windows copy. Hence i should 2.1) stfu and obey the will of the mass 2.2) find or found a distro that is not based on the will of the mass
The combination of 1 and 2 invalidates everything i have said in this thread.
I think you are just reading more that what is said. Many GNU/Linux distros and Arch and Debian in particular are definitely not free Windows. I run Arch and Debian servers and desktops and have never install any of the gnome/kde stuff unless asked to on gunpoint. I use xmonad and share your dislike for hal/dbus. This however does not justify not having a decent PnP particulary when you want to install it for non-experts. To my eyes Arch has been quite snappy and minimalist, even made me switch from Debian stable on my laptop. It is definitely far better than the monstrosity of Ubuntu or Fedora. I dont know how you find it otherwise. Regards ppk