Hello, I would like to point out the fact top posting (or bottom posting) both cause major issues in most mailing lists. A lot of email clients sort emails into "threads", in which you can see all previous emails (provided you were subscribed to the mailing list since the beginning of said thread), otherwise you can always check the archives to see what you have missed. Keeping a "transcript" of sorts of all the emails sent in the thread produces huge emails, some mailing list threads span 30-50 emails, with varying lengths. If you top post (or bottom post) that entire chain is appended to the top or bottom respectively. I have seen a few arguments on previous threads where people "delete the thread history therefore want to be able to see all previous emails", however the solution to this is simple, just don't delete mailing list emails, they take up what? 10-20KB if they are small (or if they are sent by me, probably a good few hundred KB's :P). And for future reference, always check the mailing list rules, for example I got crucified on the OpenBSD mailing list because I sign my emails by default with my GPG key, OpenBSD want unsigned plain text emails, meanwhile the Arch Mailing Lists are open to signing, and in fact required by arch staff (I do not know if general responses need to be signed, or just applications/formal emails, maybe a TU could clarify?). TL;DR keep your emails as small and concise as possible, while also not being too vague that nobody is able to help you (for example reporting an issue and then not providing any logs or steps to reproduce said problem). And yes for those laughing at the fact I am the one saying this, I am aware I am extremely verbose, never said I was any good at this :P Hope this helps! Take care, -- Polarian GPG signature: 0770E5312238C760 Website: https://polarian.dev JID/XMPP: polarian@icebound.dev