On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 08:48:25PM -0800, Evan Martin wrote:
I just wanted to be certain that you all think the proper fix is for me to put in the docs something like "on Arch systems you need to do [x] before building", whether [x] is "get the PKGBUILD with the patch from AUR" or even "run the sed-python-with-python2.sh included in the distribution". It seems a little silly to me (breaking software mostly inconveniences users, and in this particular case doesn't gain you anything, as anyone who adds support for Python 3 could just as well make their shebang mention it while they're changing other things) but it's not my place to tell you what to do.
Hello. As an archer, I do not often use software which is not built with a PKGBUILD, which is an understatement. When I look for software, I first look at versions in the aur and then I look if I could package it. Next thing that comes to my informed mind, is that maybe someone did the shebang part not to our liking again. Which is really no news any more, thanks to the ongoing discussions on our mailing lists. So, thanks for the reminder, I prefer things the way they are, be they done wrong by a whole community or done "right", but overly complicated everywhere else. Wait, the latter is part of my point here, we're speaking of a text/plain fix. cheers! mar77i