On 31/10/12, Thomas Bächler wrote: | I just needed to express my confusion over the issue. I cannot think of | a reason why you have this problem. | | Maybe there's some hint in the details of loginctl show-session, or the | logs have some info. I fixed a couple of boot errors from looking at the journal, but not this. loginctl show-session: ControlGroupHierarchy=/user ResetControllers=cpu NAutoVTs=6 KillExcludeUsers=root KillUserProcesses=no IdleHint=no IdleSinceHint=1351703575131288 IdleSinceHintMonotonic=11069402493 BlockInhibited=handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key DelayInhibited=sleep InhibitDelayMaxUSec=5s HandlePowerKey=poweroff HandleSuspendKey=suspend HandleHibernateKey=hibernate HandleLidSwitch=suspend PreparingForShutdown=no PreparingForSleep=no -- Simon Perry (aka Pezz)