Hi Arch community, Arch Linux (archboot creation tool) 2011.10-1, "2k11-R6" has been released. To avoid confusion, this is not an official arch linux iso release! Homepage and for more information on archboot: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Archboot Forum: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=127923 Summary: - Only use one lzma initrd for each architecture, plain bugfix release. Hybrid image file and torrent is provided, which include i686 and x86_64 core repository. Please check md5sum before using it. Hybrid image file is a standard CD-burnable image and also a raw disk image. - Can be burned to CD(RW) media using most CD-burning utilities. - Can be raw-written to a drive using 'dd' or similar utilities. This method is intended for use with USB thumb drives. Please get it from your favorite arch linux mirror: - https://downloads.archlinux.de/iso/archboot/2011.10/ - <yourmirror>/iso/archboot/2011.10/ Have fun, greetings tpowa -- Tobias Powalowski Archlinux Developer & Package Maintainer (tpowa) http://www.archlinux.org tpowa@archlinux.org