On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 6:30 PM, Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
Missing Makedepends --------------------- xosd --> 'xmms' flac --> 'xmms'
Repo Hierarchy for Makedepends -------------------------------- core/iputils depends on extra/jade core/madwifi-utils depends on extra/sharutils core/e2fsprogs depends on extra/bc core/ca-certificates depends on extra/ruby core/madwifi depends on extra/sharutils
I just read one comment from Thomas : http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/6841#comment32155 Is it fine for core package to have makedepends in extra? What about extra and community (the xmms makedepends above)? The second would mean core and extra repos can't be checked properly on their own..
Circular Dependencies ----------------------- glibc>bash>readline>ncurses>glibc db>coreutils>shadow>pam>db eclipse-ecj>gcc-gcj>eclipse-ecj
What about this, are cycles accepted too? There is also a bug report for that : FS#9177 Especially the glibc->bash dep does not make sense. For scriptlet to work properly, you need to have a base system installed anyway .. I don't know enough about the other packages to tell which other deps are questionable.