On 05/07/2011 03:43 PM, Ionut Biru wrote:
On 05/07/2011 09:21 PM, Gergely Imreh wrote:
Will be also unlinked from mplayer?
mplayer doesn't use system ffmpg
The question was aimed at the fact thatt mplayer too has faac as depends...
As an opinion: I'd rather not want to recompile mplayer every time there's an update, been there before because of other reason, it's not much fun. Using mencoder to convert avis to mp4 to use on Android: those _do_ require faac, as much as I can tell....
now i understand the question. It won't be removed. I did it for ffmpeg because it has a big warning after ./configure
License: nonfree and unredistributable
maybe mplayer does it right and doesn't link to incompatible licence
Many packages in Arch Linux are considered "non-free" in other distros this is what I much like about Arch Linux :) -- Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi \cos^2\alpha + \sin^2\alpha = 1