Hi Caleb! On 1/17/22 10:22, Caleb Maclennan via arch-general wrote:
I think it will be better to finish the migration from SVN → Git for all the repository files and tooling. Once PKGBUILDs are in Git and hosted on Arch's GitLab installation and the tooling is updated so that build and release workflows revolve around this, it will be *much* easier to reason about how non-developer contributions fit into the mix. Any effort to organize this on existing infrastructure is going to have many more edge cases that are potential security holes and create technical debt that make this migration harder.
What is the planned timeline for this migration? IMHO it would do a great deal of good to the community to (a) communicate these plans clearly and (b) communicate where help is needed and how the community can pitch in. Best regards, Vasi Vilvoiu