Hi Preston, Basically, you should think of mounting a file system as placing it under some "root" in your larger file system. In this case, /dev/sdXY can be thought of as a representation of the file system you want to mount (the one on the external HD). You can place it anywhere you want, and that will be its "root" in your larger file system. Typically, people do something like /media/disk, but it really can be anything. So $ sudo mount /dev/sdXY /media/disk works, but so does $ sudo mount /dev/sdXY /monkeys/are/awesome/ provided that you had first created a directory called "awesome" inside a directory called "are" inside a directory called "monkeys" at /, your root point. As far as the "#identify" goes -- I actually think that it doesn't do anything. In BASH (the shell you are probably using), the pound sign denotes a comment, which means that everything before it and the end of the line is ignored. So $ a-random-command # lions are pretty cool too just runs "a-random-command". I think the poster put "#identify" there just so you know what you are doing -- it's not actually necessary. Hope this helps. -- Leonid Grinberg