6 Apr
6 Apr
1:29 p.m.
On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 15:25 +0200, Ali H. Caliskan wrote:
Hello fellow Arch Linux devels and users,
I'm wondering if it's inappropriate to use "mkdir -p" in PKGBUILD instead of "install". I've seen quite many official PKGBUILDs that use mkdir instead of install, whose very structure I've adopted and applied in my various PKBUILDs. Does it matter if it's mkdir or install, and why?
Kind regards, Ali
Usually it doesn't matter, but I prefer to use install -d instead of mkdir. Some users like to have umask set to something completely non-default, which breaks permissions with mkdir -p. With install -m755 -d I can specifiy the correct permissions explicit instead of hoping the user doesn't have umask set.