Excerpts from Xavier's message of Fri Jul 24 12:23:59 -0400 2009:
On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 6:09 PM, b4283<da.mi.spirit@gmail.com> wrote:
do i understand this correctly: you can still change the volume of mpd, but you can only specify absolute values? they left out the relative setting out of the protocol?
Yes, this is correct. Absolute values could still be assigned, which means that in the future, the relative volume may have to be realized by clients instead of mpd.
And what is the problem doing it in mpc client?
And do you have some links / references about this?
Nothing is "wrong" in doing it in mpc, but you have to remember that mpc is just one of many clients. I'd think a lot of clients would implement/want relative volume changing functionality (mine sure does), so I'm not sure how worthwhile it is forcing all of them to implement it themselves. Of course, it's pretty simple to do. -- Andrei Thorp, Developer: Xandros Corp. (http://www.xandros.com)