Am 22.10.2012 08:50, schrieb Geert Hendrickx:
On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 22:16:22 +0200, G. Schlisio wrote:
hi list, i played around with neo2, an alternative kbd layout optimized for german. in my kde environment. the main concept of neo is using meta keys to shift between layers. for me, the meta4 key is not working on either side. i found some suggestions to solve this problem, but nothing worked so far. anybody out there knowing, how to fix this? and how can i enable neo in initramfs, for input of my encryption pw?
For X11 and Linux console this is completely separate.
For the console, you configure the keymap in /etc/vconsole.conf, and you add "keymap" to the HOOKS line in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to have it loaded early in the initrd to enter your encryption pw.
For X11 you either use KDE's keyboard settings (since Neo is apparantly shipped with xkeyboard-config, it should be listed by xkb), or you just run setxkbmap somewhere in your X startup scripts as suggested by Robbie.
Geert (Colemak user)
thanks for answering. i added keymap to mkinitcpio, but where can i adjust the used layout? before the hdd is decrypted (like, say, while entering the password) it cannot access the /etc/vconsole.conf so there needs to be an other place.