Hello Arch devs and users, here is my holidays present for you: AIF alpha-0.6 ! * Changes since alpha 0.5: - fully reworked disk subsystem - support for lvm and dm_crypt - Autoprepare looks exactly the same (ui-wise) - Manual mode UI is entirely reworked and has a general editor (see screens) - Unified, more flexible/reusable backend code for partitioning, making filesystems and mounting them. Uses structured file formats for defining partitions and filesystems - Rollback functionality: when something failed while processing, or user changes his mind afterwards, you can do a rollback (things like umount, lvremove etc are done automatically in the correct order) and start over/retry - fully decoupled UI (dia/cli): - there are now generic, transparent functions for asking dates,numbers,strings,checklist,.. etc with an implementation in both ncurses (dialog) and cli. - all code now uses these functions, making the codebase much cleaner. (look at the code for autoprepare for instance) - with a simple command line flag you can toggle between running the program in cli or dialog mode. - support for commandline args - /arch/aif -p interactive -d # runs the interactive profile with debugging enabled - /arch/aif -p interactive -i cli # runs the interactive profile in CLI mode. - updated howto for using AUR packages - replaced all refs to previous name (fifa) to aif. - enabled date/time setting - a massive amount of bugfixes - a lot of code cleanups * Screenshots - AIF manual filesystems, here showing a setup with /dev/sda3 containing a dm_crypt, containing /, and /dev/sda3 containing an LVM setup with 1 LV for /home http://users.edpnet.be/dieter/aif/aif-alpha_0.6-disks-overview-dia.png - Processing the filesystems. The installer automatically reorders everything http://users.edpnet.be/dieter/aif/aif-alpha_0.6-disks-processing-dia.png - a CLI shot where the partitions/filesystems of the autoprepare just have been processed http://users.edpnet.be/dieter/aif/aif-alpha_0.6-autoprepare_processed-cli.pn... * Usability I tested the installer personally in virtualbox in different scenarios (ftp & cdrom based, autoprepare, manually with normal disk layout,/ on lvm, dm_crypt,.. ), and all produced working installations. Although I often need to fix bugs after testing a specific scenario, I don't re-test all scenarios each time. YMMV Note that the installer doesn't automatically add the lvm2/encrypt modules to mkinitcpio yet, and doesn't add the right string for lvm/dm_crypt in grubs menu.lst yet. There are some known issues (which are not critical, just avoid them or live with them). Here are the biggest ones (for more, see TODO) - don't remove lvm LV's if you have more then one in one lvm VG. So think before you create :-) - make the correct devicemapper devices directly because they are not cleaned up correctly if you remove them again - keyboard and timezone settings from installer don't go into target systems config - long selections (eg packages) are very cumbersome to do in CLI mode. - rollback of dm_crypt partitions doesn't work yet * How? http://github.com/Dieterbe/aif/tree/master/HOWTO Use package aif-git from AUR. Even though I tag releases in git, I don't build packages for them. I now use the master branch as "stable" branch where I pull in code from the experimental branch after it has been tested. So the master branch (package aif-git) always contains the latest, stable code. Use "/arch/aif -p interactive -d" (the interactive procedure is the port of /arch/setup) Have fun, Dieter