On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 3:19 AM, Arvid Picciani <aep@exys.org> wrote:
if someone actually posts patches or other constructive stuff, please CC me. We're rewriting pacman anyway and looking for a solution to handle this mess in particular.
Right now the only idea i got is versioned deps which is sort of flawed since that would assert a certain awareness upstream. And if we had that, we didnt have the problem in the first place...
maybe there is a smarter way to force update of packages that would break when their dependencies are updated.
If people actually read my 10 lines mail, and spent more time to think and less time to write, maybe the thread could have gone forward rather than backward ? The last discussions on the sodepends/soprovides proposal are there : http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-January/010386.html http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2010-February/ It's not the first time I regret posting to arch-general, I should have kept this on pacman-dev only, discussions tend to be much more constructive there with much less noise. Anyway, care to explain what you are rewriting pacman for ? There are probably plenty of good reasons to do that, I am just curious to know if you have any :)