9 Nov
9 Nov
12:35 a.m.
On 11/08/12 at 04:00pm, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
Looks like it doesn't:
[darose@daroselin ~]$ sudo systemctl enable qingy@tty6 ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/qingy@.service' '/etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/qingy@%I.service'
Sucks that this doesn't work as advertised. It should be a no-brainer to be able to set up qingy on tty6.
Maybe you could simply remove the alias altogether. I mean, if you are going to change it anyway, what is the difference between having it set via an alias or by your specification after the @? It makes me curious why it would be called qingy@.service rather than simply qingy.service if it is going to insist on being on tty1 either way. -- Curtis Shimamoto sugar.and.scruffy@gmail.com