On Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 15:09:37 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sun, 2023-04-23 at 12:44 +0200, Damjan Georgievski wrote:
On Sun, 23 Apr 2023 at 07:53, Ralf Mardorf <ralf-mardorf@riseup.net> wrote:
assuming you can't get rid of the cause of messages flooding the log file, could you prevent writing with a filter? After all, only filtering when reading would not prevent the unnecessary growth of log files.
you didn't say which messages
thank you. There are actually no messages that spam my journal. I just want to know just in case.
As with most (all?) solutions looking for a problem, this, too, is quite disconnected from reality. It is much better to address the underlying problem rather than ignoring it. If you encounter a situation where you have something flooding your logs, there's an actual problem with your system, and generally something quite serious. Sure, there are occasional bugs where something logs too frequently, but more serious problems are more common. I would suggest focusing on these real issues instead of manufacturing hypotheticals. -- Cheers, Luna Celeste