bardo wrote:
2009/1/20 David Rosenstrauch <>:
Not really. In theory this should be a matter of doing like bardo said: find out which chipset your machine uses, and then find the correct "model" parameter to supply for that chipset (via this page: (Well, technically, in theory you shouldn't have to specify a model at all, and the module should just autodetect it.) But that doesn't appear to be working, as I tried all 4 models listed for my chipset.
Did you reboot before every try? Best way is either blacklisting the module and loading manually or changing the model parameter in modprobe.conf before rebooting. This is because the BIOS needs to be reset too. It is also mentioned in the kernel bug you linked.
Egads! I have to reboot too?!?!? Sigh. Alright, I'll try that too when I get a moment.
So I have to figure then that this is a kernel or ALSA bug, and so monitor the upstream bug(s) to see when it'll be fixed. These 2 bug entries appear to be the relevant ones:
If we both have the same problem, I'm afraid these bug reports aren't related: I have sound working nicely with 2.6.28, problems started to appear with Did you go straight from to If so, try testing 2.6.28.
I haven't tried The module was working in, and stopped working in the 2.6.28(-3) kernel package in the core repository. Thanks, DR