On 25.9.2024 18.27, Daniel Ranc wrote:
Those are GTK4 applications, and the default GTK4 renderer was changed from OpenGL to Vulkan last week. Possibly the cause for the blank windows.
If your setup doesn't support Vulkan, the renderer can be set back to OpenGL via environment variable GSK_RENDERER=opengl. Excellent! Thank you for this info I was'nt aware of. However I
On 25/09/2024 16:57, Janne Veteläinen wrote: tried:
export GSK_RENDERER=opengl
and started the updated pavucontrol, unfortunately to no avail: still black.
I know that my system has difficulties with Vulkan (AMD graphic card). Sad.
On 25.9.2024 17.14, Daniel Ranc wrote:
On 25/09/2024 15:02, 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE@potatochowder.com wrote:
On 2024-09-25 at 11:09:08 +0200, Daniel Ranc <daniel.ranc@telecom-sudparis.eu> wrote:
I am experiencing some strangeness with the Adwaita tray icons of VLC and volumeicon. They disappeared from the tray around this summer (unfortunately no precise data here) and I needed to revert to the latest working package adwaita-icon-theme-41.0-1-any.pkg.tar.zst for those icons to work again.
My environment is using stalonetray and a very simple window manager (no Gnome, no KDE whatsoever). Old school. Me, too. :-)
Are others impacted as well ? Any clue how to get back on track ?
Interestingly last week some apps suddenly showed completely black windows: simple-scan and pavucontrol, and i had to revert to older packages to make them work again. Are those phenomena related? Another possibility is that your applications are starting to use the Status Notifier Icon API. From my ~/.xinit file:
# iwgtk does Status Notifier Icon, but some system trays # (*cough*, tint2, stalonetray, *cough*) don't, so we use # snixembed instead snixembed & sleep $delay
So maybe install snixembed from AUR[0]?
[0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/snixembed Interesting! Thank you for the pointer. However the culprit apps (simple-scan, pavucontrol) do not use tray icons at all. They simply open a black, empty window. It seems the issue with those is not related to my icon issue, after all.
It seems I broke the flow of conversation, by becoming guilty of something I just discovered is called "top posting". Sorry for that :D