Excerpts from Heiko Baums's message of Do Jan 27 14:23:25 +0100 2011:
Am Thu, 27 Jan 2011 11:50:31 +0100 schrieb Jan Spakula <bender02@archlinux.us>:
Another slight annoyance comes from the lines (from rc.sysinit)
# isLuks only gives an exit code but no output to # stdout or stderr. if $CS isLuks "$2"; then open=luksOpen a="$2" b="$1" fi
It's not true that there's no output; I get the message "Device /dev/vg/swap is not a valid LUKS device." every time I boot :)
But this is the output on the console. For those if clauses you need a boolean (true or false resp. 0 or 1) and this is not given by cryptsetup isLuks. This value is only given as an exit code. So this part of the script is absolutely correct and the only way to handle this.
I like clause with exit codes much better that any funky checking for a message ;) I was addressing the comment in the script that it "..gives no output"; silently suggesting to explicitly silence the cryptsetup call, so that no unnecessary messages are displayed during booting. Jan