On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 20:55:10 +0800, mudongliang wrote:
Besides, I first use pacman , but there are some softwares in aur which needs yaourt. So I install and use it as the wiki tells me.
Nothing provided by AUR needs yaourt. In some exceptional cases it could be, that building with yaourt fails. The classical approach is to download the snapshot from AUR, to extract it and to run makepkg -s. If libraries provided by the official repositories changed and software provided by a package you build from AUR depends on a dedicated version of such an upgraded lib, then even yaourt not necessarily will inform you about upgraded PKGBUILDS, since especially PKGBUILD that clone from git seldom will be upgraded. You need to care about such changes on your own. However, not only packages build from AUR are tricky, always care about the news on the Arch homepage and read what pacman wants to do, when upgrading. You should take a deeper look into the Arch Wiki. There are Arch Wikis in different languages. Regards, Ralf