It is unrelated to filesystem partitions. It is just a special area for GRUB to store things. It doesnt have a mountpoint. Did you create that in addition to your /, /boot and swap? Chester On 02/16/14 13:23, Toyam Cox wrote:
I already created everything else, including a /boot right there.....
On Sun, Feb 16, 2014 at 4:20 PM, Chester Wisniewski <> wrote:
Hi Toyam,
You need to create a special partition to install GRUB2 on GPT without UEFI. See the wiki: index.php/GRUB#GUID_Partition_Table_.28GPT.29_specific_instructions
Create a 1 MB partition, mark it type ef02 (in gdisk) and do not format it. When you run grub-install it will then copy some image files there required for GPT booting when UEFI isn't present. The wiki walks you through the details, don't worry about the 1007KB part and errors about partition alignment, just make a 1 meg partition right at the front of the disk and it will work fine.
On 02/16/14 13:06, Toyam Cox wrote:
Hey folks,
I mostly use Gentoo but I'm installing Arch on my laptop, so hello!
I'm installing GRUB, an I'm getting an error: grub-install: waring: this GPT partition label contains no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible. Then Grub refuses to go ahead with blocklists.
Any thoughts? It isn't a UEFI computer... it's a netbook.
Thank you!