Xavier wrote:
On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Lars Tennstedt <oss@larstennstedt.de> wrote:
it seems that the NVIDIA developers will only fix it if they have time to do it. I guess that the legacy driver does not have a high priority.
I tried the nouveau driver and it works on my old GeForce 3 even with compositing. It is a little bit slow but it does the job. Thanks for the hint. But on my other computer the nouveau driver does not work with a GeForce 7. It is weird. Two NVIDIA graphic cards and one needs the closed source driver and the another one the open source one.
Geforce 7 should work, see the links in http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nouveau#Installation
If it does not work at all, you should report that to upstream developers. Maybe try first the latest packages which have just been moved to extra today.
I use a mirror that contains the version git20091013. It is behind the original Arch Linux mirror. It syncs daily so I guess that I will get the new version tomorrow. Then I will try again. By Lars