Hello, as the meshroom builds (from AUR) don't work for me, I tried to create my own package by modifying the PKGBUILD file of the meshroom-git package. This results in two issues: 1. While creating the package using makepkg, the whole git repository is downloaded - that's okay, of course. But all built artifacts seem to be contained in the resulting package file. As a git build shouldn't be "static": How can I create a build file for automatic downloading and building from current repository? 2. When installing the created package (pacman -U) and trying to start Meshroom, I get: "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". It seems, there's a problem with Meshroom's private shiboken2 installation: PID: 135087 (Meshroom) UID: 1000 (peter) GID: 100 (users) Signal: 11 (SEGV) Timestamp: Sun 2020-12-20 11:04:25 CET (24min ago) Command Line: Meshroom Executable: /usr/lib/Meshroom-2020.1.1/Meshroom Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-9.scope Unit: session-9.scope Slice: user-1000.slice Session: 9 Owner UID: 1000 (peter) Boot ID: 4e5fb788a5324cd1b31363dee2d7b62e Machine ID: b1efa5af7b174c44adc4ec7990c10ad7 Hostname: tuchola Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.Meshroom.1000.4e5fb788a5324cd1b31363dee2d7b62e.135087.1608458665000000.zst Message: Process 135087 (Meshroom) of user 1000 dumped core. Stack trace of thread 135087: #0 0x00007ff37636becb SbkObject_TypeF (libshiboken2.abi3.so.5.15 + 0xeecb) #1 0x00007ff37636d80d _ZN8Shiboken4initEv (libshiboken2.abi3.so.5.15 + 0x1080d) #2 0x00007ff37637fa79 _ZN8Shiboken6Module6createEPKcPv (libshiboken2.abi3.so.5.15 + 0x22a79) #3 0x00007ff3765b13e7 PyInit_shiboken2 (shiboken2.abi3.so + 0x23e7) #4 0x000055d17af0edfd n/a (Meshroom + 0x21adfd) #5 0x000055d17ae323c1 n/a (Meshroom + 0x13e3c1) #6 0x000055d17ae263b2 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1323b2) #7 0x000055d17ae1f605 n/a (Meshroom + 0x12b605) #8 0x000055d17ae31b6e _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13db6e) #9 0x000055d17ae251ae _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1311ae) #10 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #11 0x000055d17ae20dcf _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cdcf) #12 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #13 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #14 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #15 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #16 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #17 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #18 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #19 0x000055d17ae311b5 n/a (Meshroom + 0x13d1b5) #20 0x000055d17ae4587c _PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs (Meshroom + 0x15187c) #21 0x000055d17ae44dfd PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject (Meshroom + 0x150dfd) #22 0x000055d17ae2393a _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12f93a) #23 0x000055d17ae1f605 n/a (Meshroom + 0x12b605) #24 0x000055d17ae1efd1 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName (Meshroom + 0x12afd1) #25 0x000055d17aee0a13 PyEval_EvalCode (Meshroom + 0x1eca13) #26 0x000055d17aee8023 n/a (Meshroom + 0x1f4023) #27 0x000055d17ae323c1 n/a (Meshroom + 0x13e3c1) #28 0x000055d17ae263b2 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1323b2) #29 0x000055d17ae1f605 n/a (Meshroom + 0x12b605) #30 0x000055d17ae31b6e _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13db6e) #31 0x000055d17ae251ae _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1311ae) #32 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #33 0x000055d17ae20dcf _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cdcf) #34 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #35 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #36 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #37 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #38 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #39 0x000055d17ae311b5 n/a (Meshroom + 0x13d1b5) #40 0x000055d17ae4587c _PyObject_CallMethodIdObjArgs (Meshroom + 0x15187c) #41 0x000055d17ae44dfd PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject (Meshroom + 0x150dfd) #42 0x000055d17ae2393a _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12f93a) #43 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #44 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #45 0x000055d17ae1f605 n/a (Meshroom + 0x12b605) #46 0x000055d17ae1efd1 _PyEval_EvalCodeWithName (Meshroom + 0x12afd1) #47 0x000055d17aee0a13 PyEval_EvalCode (Meshroom + 0x1eca13) #48 0x000055d17aee8023 n/a (Meshroom + 0x1f4023) #49 0x000055d17ae323c1 n/a (Meshroom + 0x13e3c1) #50 0x000055d17ae263b2 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1323b2) #51 0x000055d17ae1f605 n/a (Meshroom + 0x12b605) #52 0x000055d17ae31b6e _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13db6e) #53 0x000055d17ae251ae _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x1311ae) #54 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #55 0x000055d17ae20dcf _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cdcf) #56 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #57 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #58 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13d9ca) #59 0x000055d17ae20b97 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault (Meshroom + 0x12cb97) #60 0x000055d17ae319ca _PyFunction_Vectorcall (Meshroom + 0x13 Does somebody have an idea, what I could change? Kind regards, peter